Friday, September 28, 2012

What Everyone Should Know Before Selling A Home

With the wide array of information available to home sellers out there today, there is no excuse for having a property just sit around on the market. Use the tips provided in this article to help move your home and you can become successful in real estate. Whether you're a one-time seller or are planning on frequently selling, these tips will help you.

When pricing your home, pick a price that is relevant for within 30 days of the house going on the market. Home prices fluctuate throughout the year, and pricing a home in the winter with a spring price will not be a move likely to sell your home quickly. If you must get the higher price, it's better to wait to put the home on the market than to over-price it now and have it sit.

If you have an old dated bathtub that has seen better days you should do the best you can to make it more appealing to buyers. If you have the money you can have the entire thing replaced, but if you don't you can have it re-glazed to give it a fresh look.

Make sure your agent is advertising your home on the MLS and top sites such as and Also make sure that plenty (six or more) quality pictures are included with each ad. Research shows most home buyers start on the internet, and you want to make sure your property is one they will immediately take a look at.

Pique potential buyer's interests by sprucing up the front yard. Curb appeal plays a big role when a buyer is stopped in front of your house, trying to decide whether or not to take the time to check it out. Add some color with some flowers for spring and summer and maybe some pumpkins for the fall.

If your ceilings and walls are stained, with smoke or grease, you should repaint them before showing your house. Buyers can be turned off by these things. Repainting is not very expensive and it can normally pay for itself. If you have cracks in your ceiling or walls, try to have them filled in before you try to sell your home.

When you are having an open house you should allow the locals to see the house earlier than people from other areas. People who live near you are more likely to buy your home and it would make them feel nice to know that you are going the extra mile to accommodate them first.

Take the time to got through your closets and pack away any clothing that you have not used in quite a bit of time. This will help your closets look a lot more appealing to you buyer since they will not look crammed full of stuff. You want the buyer to feel that there is enough closet space available.

One tip to keep in mind when it comes to real estate is to not wait too long to put your house on the market. This is important because while many people wait until the warm season to buy and move, it doesn't mean that people aren't searching for houses in late winter and early spring. Get your house on the market, and get it out there early.

Before you put your home up for sale, you may want to consider having a garage or yard sale. Having too much junk in your home could put potential home buyers off. Plus, you want to have as little belongings as possible when it comes to having to pack for moving.

A great way to get your house sold more easily is to extend the selling market period. Make sure that your home is ready to go on the market in mid-February so you have nearly half a year to sell your home before the market begins to close up.

Do all that you reasonably can to prepare to sell the home. Talk to your lawyer if you plan to sell the house without going through a realtor. Cut the grass, clean up the outside of the house, and renew the paint where necessary. Get rid of any clutter laying around the house. Get the inside organized and spotlessly clean, and get rid of things you don't need. Put signs in the yard that let people know the home is for sale.

Do not allow yourself to become quickly discouraged if prospective buyers do not immediately seem willing to pay the listed price for your home. If you are using an agent, he or she can generally lead the way for you as you start to receive offers that are perhaps below the list price. Do not reject them outright; follow your agent's cues to get a clear idea of how reasonable your asking price is.

When showing your home to a potential buyer, try your best not to be home. Sticking around while your buyers are viewing the house makes them feel like intruders. It's also easy for you to slip up and give away information that might not be to your benefit (i.e.: how low you're willing to go on the price). Find some place to go for an hour and let your Realtor show the home.

More often than not, it is not enough to simply put a "For Sale" sign in your front yard and wait for prospective buyers to knock down your door. Consider the selling process in a more holistic way; you must include marketing and advertising elements to get the word out. Take out print and online listings, post flyers, and be prepared to sell, sell, sell.

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